New Program Year
At the beginning of each program year, the following paperwork needs to be completed for each girl in your troop. Please visit the FORMS PAGE for the most current version of the documents listed below.
Annual Permission Slip & Media Release
This needs to be re-signed EVERY year
HVGS Media Release
If your parents do not want to sign the GSCSNJ media release, it is not required - just do not submit photos of their daughter to council unless they have signed this form. We do highly recommend having parents sign a HVGS Media Release so we may share their child's photo in local promotional materials. A release is in the sidebar. Using this form helps us tremendously in being able to promote Girl Scouting in the Valley.
Girl/Adult Health History
Only required for certain activities, but it is recommended to have it done at the beginning of the year to get it out of the way.
An Allergy & Anaphylaxis Action Plan is required for all girls/adults with known allergies.
Recommended for active adult volunteers and leaders as well as girls.
This is a confidential document, share only with your co-leader and medical professionals.
Carry Health Histories with you on troop trips in case of emergency.
It is also recommended that you ask your parents at the beginning of the year if their child has ANY medical information that would be crucial for medical personal to know in an emergency. The parent should put this information in a sealed envelope, to be kept in the troop First Aid kit in an emergency. Be sure to give this envelope to any emergency workers if the situation arises. All chaperones on a trip should know which girls have an envelope.
Code of Conduct
GSCSNJ has a Code of Conduct which you may use. You may prefer to customize one to fit your needs. We recommend having the girls participate in the drafting of this document. A sample is provided which a local Cadette Troop uses. We would love more samples, please share yours!
A Code of Conduct is not a required document, but it is strongly recommended.
Council Cares Financial Aid Application
Make sure all families are aware of this.
They should be able to apply on-line when they register.
This is a confidential document.
Available from the council here.
If this is your FIRST YEAR as a troop, please review the New Troop page, or consult your binder, which you will receive as part of your training. You will also need to set up a bank account and complete your training. Please visit Training Page for a outline of the required trainings. If you are a returning leader who is moving up to the next level, please read the Program Level Resource Guide for your new level.
Adult Volunteer Roles
If you have a new co-leader, please make sure she or he completes all of the needed Training.
Make sure that your Troop First Aiders have current Certifications. If not, please contact our First Aid Coordinator to find out when the next training is.
All volunteer chaperones, as well as your Troop Treasurer, need to be registered in MYGS as "Troop Support Volunteers." Registration costs $25 and is required for them to participate in Girl Scouting Events. By defining their role as a "Troop Support Volunteer," council will follow up with them directly via email to complete the required background check. The background check is paid for by GSCSNJ and is done completely on-line. They will be required to submit their SSN. The background check lasts 3 years and council will email them a renewal reminder when it is due to expire.
If they are not designated as "Troop Support Volunteers" in your MYGS roster, please email with the name of the adult and your troop number, and ask them to update the records accordingly.
Important Forms
Additional Forms