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More Frequently Asked Questions:

I don't live in Hopewell Valley, where can I get my daughter involved?


Our service unit accepts girls from other local communities. If you prefer to find a closer troop, you can search for one HERE.



Can I trust the folks working with my kids?


Many of our leaders are former Girl Scouts and have returned to give children the same great experience they had. All girl scout volunteers undergo regular training and background checks.​ Please contact us with any specific concerns.



Can my son be a Girl Scout?


Any child who self-identifies as female is welcome to join Girl Scouts.


Girl Scouts is the best girl leadership organization in the world, created with and for girls. We believe strongly in the importance of the all-girl, girl-led, and girl-friendly environment that Girl Scouts provides, which creates a free space for girls to learn and thrive.


The benefit of the single-gender environment has been well-documented by educators, scholars, other girl- and youth-serving organizations, and Girl Scouts and their families. Girl Scouts offers a one-of-a-kind experience for girls with a program tailored specifically to their unique developmental needs.


For more information regarding the Girl Scouts' decision to remain single-gender, please read the GSUSA blog HERE.



What morals/politics does Girl Scouts espouse?


Girl Scouts does not endorse any religion or political party. We endeavor to be inclusive for all girls, regardless of race, religion, disability or political affiliation. We strive to build girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place.



How old does my child have to be to join?


Girl Scouts runs with the school year. Girls are able to begin in Kindergarten and go through 12th grade. Girls may start at any grade level. 



The Girl Scouts in Princeton are doing different things than the one in Hopewell. Can my girl join both groups?


Girls may only belong to one troop. However, Girl Scouts are welcome to attend events held by other Service Units. Conversely, girls from other Service Units are welcome to attend our events.



How can I join as a volunteer? Or sign up my child?


Please see the About Us page for more information and to sign up. Also, check out the Leader FAQ page for more information on becoming a leader.



How much does Girl Scouts cost?


Each troop is led by a volunteer leader. The leader works with the girls to decide what badges are worked on and what activities are done throughout the year. Costs vary from troop to troop, depending what girls choose to do. The first year of the troop will typically be the most costly, until girls earn money from cookies and other fundraisers. The troop uses this money to pay as many costs as possible.


Typical Costs Include:


Uniform: $30-40

Dues: $10-25 Per Year

Registration: $40 Per Year


Note: Financial assistance is available through Girl Scouts. You will be able to get the form from your Troop Leader.



If I sign up, what troop will I be in? Can my daughter be in a troop with her friends?


We can not promise specific placements. Girls are added to troops on a first come, first serve basis.  When you fill out the interest form, you can indicate whether you are available for after-school or weekend meetings. One of our co-coordinators will contact you with possible matches so you can find a troop that works for your schedule. 


If we are unable to find an immediate match for you, your name will be placed on a waiting list for the next available spot. Daisies and Brownies are the levels which most commonly have waiting lists.

​The best way to ensure your troop meets at a convenient time/place for you is to volunteer as a leader. You will receive training and resources to assist you in setting up a new troop.



I signed up a while ago but haven't heard anything. When can I expect to be placed?


We often have a backlog of new scouts at the beginning of the school year. New leaders are trained in September/October. Therefore new troops may not begin until October, sometimes even November.


If you haven't heard anything and wish to speak to someone to learn when troops are likely to be open, please Contact Us.



© Copyright 2017

Hopewell Valley Girl Scouts

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GSCSNJ Service Unit 701 

P.O. Box 844

Pennington, NJ 08534

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